Apr 2, 2020 | Cleveland Wedding DJ

Apr 2, 2020 | Cleveland Wedding DJ

How to Reschedule Your Wedding Due to COVID-19
Danielle Toth
While weddings are not currently prohibited in Ohio as part of Gov. Mike DeWine’s “Stay at Home” order, many couples are choosing to postpone the big day to protect themselves and their guests and abide by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation to avoid gatherings of more than...

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How to Reschedule Your Wedding Due to COVID-19
Danielle Toth

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While weddings are not currently prohibited in Ohio as part of Gov. Mike DeWine’s “Stay at Home” order, many couples are choosing to postpone the big day to protect themselves and their guests and abide by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation to avoid gatherings of more than 10 people. 

If you would like to reschedule your wedding with Sound Precision Entertainment, our contract does not currently allow for contracts or services to be transferred to a different date. However, in light of the circumstances, we are allowing clients to transfer deposits and services to a different date within one year of their original contracted date. 

If you wish to reschedule, please contact us at (216) 870-4513 or scott@spedj.com with a maximum of two new date suggestions. We get back to you within 24 hours regarding availability. 

In the meantime, follow these steps from the CDC to stay healthy during the pandemic:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Put distance between yourself and other people (about 6 feet).
  • Stay home if you are sick except to get medical care.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or use the inside of your elbow.
  • Throw used tissues in the trash.
  • If you are sick, you should wear a facemask when you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office. If you are not able to wear a facemask (for example, because it causes trouble breathing), then you should do your best to cover your coughs and sneezes, and people who are caring for you should wear a facemask if they enter your room.  
  • If you are not sick, you do not need to wear a facemask unless you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a facemask). Facemasks may be in short supply, and they should be saved for caregivers.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets and sinks. Use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.


If you have any other questions regarding our policies or your event, please contact us at (216) 870-4513 or scott@spedj.com. Stay safe and healthy! 


4908 Van Epps Rd., Brooklyn Heights, Ohio 44131

Phone Number

(216) - 870 - 4513

Monday - Friday

10AM - 6PM


Do I get to meet my DJ?

Of Course! This is your big day, we want you to be comfortable and able to build a rapport with your DJ. We encourage open communication between us and our clients. We can set-up face to face meetings, video calls, and teleconferences.

How do I secure my date?

We ask that when you are ready to book, you give us a signed contract and a $800 deposit. The initial deposit comes off the final balance. After that, you are locked in to your date. Payment plans are available, but we do not require the final balance until a week before your wedding.

Are there any hidden fees?

No. All prices you see include tax, set-up & tear-down, and travel to most places. When paying with credit card there is a 3.8% convenience fee. No fees when paying by check or cash.

Do you work with other vendors?

Yes! While we have partnerships with vendors, we do not require you use them exclusively. You can always book us independently and we’ll ensure that all vendors are on the same page throughout the entire planning process and evening.


4908 Van Epps Rd., Brooklyn Heights, Ohio 44131

Phone Number

(216) - 870 - 4513

Monday - Friday

10AM - 6PM


Do I get to meet my DJ?

Of Course! This is your big day, we want you to be comfortable and able to build a rapport with your DJ. We encourage open communication between us and our clients. We can set-up face to face meetings, video calls, and teleconferences.

How do I secure my date?

We ask that when you are ready to book, you give us a signed contract and a $800 deposit. The initial deposit comes off the final balance. After that, you are locked in to your date. Payment plans are available, but we do not require the final balance until a week before your wedding.

Are there any hidden fees?

No. All prices you see include tax, set-up & tear-down, and travel to most places. When paying with credit card there is a 3.8% convenience fee. No fees when paying by check or cash.

Do you work with other vendors?

Yes! While we have partnerships with vendors, we do not require you use them exclusively. You can always book us independently and we’ll ensure that all vendors are on the same page throughout the entire planning process and evening.

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